Humanity Nodes Protocol
Unlocking Everyone’s Personal Natural Resources
The Humanity Node Protocol(HNP) was established to create a global non-governmental human social-net that ensures a minimum above extreme poverty existence for all its participants. It represents the realization of the promise of blockchain technology to make things better for all humanity. HNP is designed to be interoperable with all existing relevant blockchain projects.
The underutilized time of poor people may be the biggest undervalued asset on the planet - HNP monetizes that asset releasing value to community and outsized returns to investors
HNP supporters who want to, can participate in network governance and earn voting rewards
HNP supporters can earn yield plus first look opportunities at community startup participation.
HNP entrepreneurs who stake the tokens earn the ability to increase visibility accross the entire community
HNP strategic partners can use the HNP or HNP Ambassadors to expand adoption of their projects
Corporate Social Responsibility partners who wish to help eradicate extreme poverty while meeting their internal corporate social responsibility goals can do so using HNP
HNP was conceived from a growing concern over global social inequities and the realization that decentralized technology can holistically address these inequities by more equitably and transparently distributing FUTURE resources.
HNP will achieve this by allowing all global citizens the ability to turn their God-given assets or personal natural resources (PNR) into NFTs, crypto tokens, fiat currency, startup equity, or other opportunities for upward mobility.
We believe, for global citizens, giving them universal access to a decentralized permissionless economic ecosystem will jump-start endless wealth creation opportunities and create trillions of dollars of economic activity which we call the D(ecentralized) GDP.
HNP seeks to end extreme poverty globally, a goal that aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No Poverty. HNP is addressing extreme poverty through a closed informal sector ecosystem where members can monetize their most valuable asset, their time, through a pledge to provide work. Coupled with a peer-to-peer co-operative entrepreneurship program, the HNP ecosystem provides direct employment, synthetic employment and startup business opportunities aiming to eliminate extreme poverty in Nigeria by 2030, in all of Africa by 2040 and globally before 2050.
It is estimated there are 413 million people in sub-Saharan Africa surviving on less than $1.90 per day of whom 100 million are living in Nigeria. For this reason the original operational point for Legacy Block is Nigeria. The most populous country in Africa with half its population of two hundred million people disenfranchised and living in extreme poverty.
See more at — SDG Indicators (
HNP is unique in that it’s technology is being deployed on an active ecosystem with a business model developed in the field with the community members who will be direct beneficiaries. HNP uses three main drivers to create value that can be distributed as income and wealth to its members; Personal Natural Resources, blockchain technology, and community focused business architecture.
Personal Natural Resources: The HNP platform addresses extreme poverty through the Personal Natural Resources (PNR) proprietary mining protocol. PNR permits community members to turn pledges of time into a $2+ daily wage and/or equity wealth in the form of start-up investments. The pledges consist mostly of the following assignments: Growing Community, Education and Coaching, Creating and Sharing Content, Transactions with other ecosystem units, E-commerce, Verifying Identity, and Scoring Completed Tasks.
Now, for the first time in a generation, the quest to end poverty has suffered its worst setback. Global extreme poverty rose in 2020 for the first time in over 20 years as the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic compounds with the forces of conflict and climate change, which were already slowing poverty reduction progress.
A “nowcast” (preliminary estimate) for 2020, incorporating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, projects that an additional 88 million to 115 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty, bringing the total to between 703 and 729 million. Extreme poverty is the number one problem the world needs to address as any additional human crisis, such as COVID-19, automatically disproportionately affects the extreme poor and simultaneously adds more people to the ranks of the extreme poor.
HNP and Personal Natural Resources offers a solution to the 730M people in extreme poverty and the billions of people direct connected to them that are affected by extreme poverty.
It was founded by the 100,000 community members that joined, supported and built the Legacy Block Project from the ground up and bonded the community together. The community members have already pledged over 5,000,000 hours of work. These members are primarily composed of college students and recent graduates. Approximately 32,000 of these members have signed up to become trained ambassadors for blockchain adoption, the Legacy Block, and Humanity Node Protocol. We have announced a partnership with Power of One Foundation, the 2020 California Non Profit of the Year which fed 3,000,000 people that year. They will add another 50,000 people that have food security issues in the USA. Through other similar partnerships we will have 300,000 founding community members. Each of them will be issued a wallet, NFT and blockchain domain which will be used with other tools to help them empower their lives.
Humanity NFTs are NFTs with verified identity and ownership where the owner has the ability to create NFTs. This ‘creatorship’ will allow the owner many different ways to turn their PNR into digital assets. These Humanity NFTs are for the 300,000 community founders of HNP. These community founders will pledge a minimum of 100 hours of time contribution and contribute a minimum of one hour a month PNR to help create the HNP ecosystem. The collective time contribution will be 30,000,000 hours.
150,000 members from the Legacy Block Africa campaign against extreme poverty
50,000 members from HNP partnership with Power of One Foundation (POOF) for a campaign against food insecurity and hunger
50,000 members from HNP partnership with Mission Launch (ML) for a campaign for at risk US citizens
50,000 for global refugees
Founding Members must complete at least one hour a month and will earn one token a month for 36 months as long as they complete their monthly tasks
Our 300,000 Humanity NFTs all have to commit to contribute 100 hours over the course of three years and a minimum of one hour per month to create value for HNP. The equates to 300,000 hours per month minimum and 30,000,000 hours over the 3 year period. HNP wll monetize these hours in three ways to ensure each NFT owner makes an above extreme poverty wage and that we maximize the value created by those hours for the benefit of the entire community.
The three ways the hours are monetized are
Synthetic employers list task on the HNP Platform and members complete those task earning a daily wage that lifts them out of extreme poverty and creates value for the ecosystem
Top 100 Blockchain/Crypto projects hire the entire community to assist with Blockchain Adoption processes and pay the community in their project token
Community Founded Startups utilize members pledged time to build their startup and upon success share equity/tokens with the community participants.
Humanity Node Protocol is the creator of Personal Natural Resources(PNR), Humanity NFTs and the HNP Ecosystem. All three concepts are its intellectual property.
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